Thursday, February 25, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

I have been insanely busy these past two weeks but I wanted to give you a quick update.  I managed to gain weight on the ski trip and am back at 150.  Boooo!  I have started running a couple of miles a couple of times a week though.  I'm trying to decide what my next step should be.  Count calories?  Work out more?  I'm working out 3-4 times a week.  I feel I've pretty much cut out everything I realistically can:  candy, chips, fries, soda, and afternoon coffee.  Anything more would be serious deprivation and would  only last a week before I would explode and completely backslide.  I really thought that this would be enough to slowly chip away at the extra pounds but so far that does not seem to be the case.  So what now?  Help me people!!!!!


  1. I don't think I have a whole lot to offer you, but here is the "counting calories" plan that I have (half-heartedly) been utilizing.

    1. Calculate Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) (The number of calories it takes for you to "be alive"): (Your body weight) x 10 = RMR (in calories)
    2. Calculate daily activity Burn (calories used to function outside of exercise): (Your RMR) x 20%(.2) = Daily Activity Burn.
    3. Figure out your Energy Amount: (Your RMR) + (Daily Activity Burn) + (Calories burned during exercise [P90X accounts for 600]) = Energy Amount.

    Diet = 50% protein, 30% carb, 20% fat.

    Your Energy Amount is the calories you should taking in. I would also advocate the eating of healthy snacks twice a day, so basically eating every 2 hours. I started doing this, and while I have lost a little waist weight, I've mostly just noticed that I feel MUCH better all of the time.

  2. I don't understand how to use Joel's method.How do I know how many calories I burn outside exercise? Or my energy amount? Joel can you explain this to me again as if I am a third grader?

    Jillian and Bob tell the biggest loser people to eat every four hours.

    It's not about what the scale says, it's about how you FEEL!

  3. OK, so the answer to Step 1 (Resting Metabolic Rate) is the amount of calories your body would burn if you decided to just have a Lord of the Rings marathon and chill on the couch all day - just enough calories to keep your body breathing, circulating, etc. The answer to Step 2 (Daily Activity Burn) is the amount of calories you (or the average person, I guess) burns by doing normal, everyday activities, like walking around the house, going to work, etc. So basically if you were NOT working out, you would want to add Steps 1 & 2 and be done, I think. But because you ARE working out, you need to add in the extra calories you need, which is Step 3. So your Energy Amount is your total calories needed. Resting Metabolic rate covers basic body functions, daily activity burn covers everyday life activities, and calories burned during exercise covers calories burned off during your workouts.

    I guess another, possibly more accurate, way to determine this is to just wear a heartrate monitor with calorie counter for a whole day. I guess 4 hours is more accurate; I usually eat @ 6:30, 10, 12, and 6, and maybe again if I'm super hungry, so I'm pretty sporadic, actually.

  4. Just go to weight watchers! It really really really works. Even if you just go for the free trial which ends soon, but get the program basics down then you can always do that on your own. What's great about the program is you never feel like you're depriving yourself of anything. I am consistently losing each week. I mean, some weeks are only .8lbs, but at least it's in the right direction! I find exercise great for toning and getting in shape, but it ultimately doesn't seem to help with weight loss... me anyways! For me, it's linked directly to what I eat. ugh! Food!

  5. Woohoo! We are up to 3.24 miles each morning! :0) Just mapped it!
