Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Weight Loss but Big Accomplishments!

So I lost a little bit of weight this week.  I think about a pound.  It's hard to tell on my scale but I think I was 148.5.  However, I got on the wii, which as we all know tends to add a few lbs, and I was 149.7 which moved me out of overweight on the wii!  My mii was thrilled!  I was hoping that would shrink her down but it didn't, my mii is still fat:(  but at least she's happy.

I've been taking some of the breakfast suggestions you've offered (thanks!) and just generally trying to make sure I balance my breakfasts, especially making sure I eat some protein with breakfast and it's been working pretty good.  I don't feel the need to snack between breakfast and lunch anymore.  I've even found myself craving healthier things for lunch which I will tackle in a couple weeks. 

My next task is to eliminate my afternoon cup of coffee.  I've written a letter to let Afternoon Coffee know what's going on.  It goes a little something like this:

Dear Afternoon Coffee,

We have to break up.  It's not you, it's me.  I love your cream and sugar but they are destroying me and I can no longer be in this destructive relationship.  I'm moving on to Green Tea.  I'll never feel as passionate about him as I do about you but he's safe and he makes me feel good about myself. 
I'm not saying we can never see each other again but only for the occasional rendezvous at Dunkin Donuts. You can't live here anymore.

I'm sorry, I love you, Goodbye,


  1. Breaking up with coffee is hard. I've done it several times, yet somehow we end up hooking up again and then it takes me forever to break it off again. Sigh.

  2. Ditto, Alicia. It's like my mind is saying no, but my body is saying yes.

    Funny breakfast story for you: the P90X thing comes with a diet. I decided to try it, and my first breakfast was a spinach egg scramble. I was already a little reluctant going in, but I figured I could buckle down and eat healthy. It had me saute the tomatoes and spinach, then scramble egg whites and mix it all together. (There were more ingredients, but I forgot them.) After following their healthy saute tips, I basically wound up with spinach, egg whites, and tomatoes soaked in a sad vinegar omelet. It was pretty horrifying.

    But congrats on officially not being over-wii-weight! =)

  3. That's such a sad letter, but I'm glad to see you takign responsibility for your well-being in your relationship. Congrats on losing weight!! I hope Afternoon Coffee respects your wishes and maintains its distance. Love you!

  4. What are you doing for protein at breakfast?

  5. Since I can not even bear to try giving up coffee, I have just done fat free french vanilla creamer (the nestle brand I found much better than international delight). And, since it's so sweet, I don't need any sugar w/ that. And, believe it or not, I think that's worked for me. So, I only do the occasional DD rendezvous as well. ;) Good luck, and here's to "Spring is Coming!"

  6. Is coffee itself bad for you? Or is it the cream and sugar? Or just the caffeine?

  7. Mom, mostly an egg. Usually in an english muffin sometimes with cereal or yogurt.

    Joel, no coffee isn't very bad at all. It's the cream and sugar.
