Thursday, March 4, 2010

Calorie Counting

Well, I decided to start trying to count calories.  I had a book, "Counting Calories for Dummies" that I had bought for our family gift exchange last summer and then took back from whoever got it;)  According to this book to lose 1 lb a week I need to eat 1600 calories.  Today is the first day I think I am going to pull it off.  I also ran 3 miles four times this week so I should be burning extra calories and maybe will lose weight a little quicker!  (please, please, please!)
I'm still hovering right around 150.  My scale is really not very accurate but I'm not willing to hop on the wii scale until I am sure it will say I am under 150lbs.  So hopefully by the end of the month I will be down around 145. 
We'll see!

Off to eat 640 calories!!!!


  1. Now you are on the right tract. You should make sure breakfast is you main meal. I am at 202 down about 8. Eating right and working out most days. Already sleeping better and feeling better. Hang in there it will happen.

  2. What does your book say about breakfast? I've heard that it should be your biggest meal, but I'm wondering if it should be the BIGGEST, or if I should just make sure I have it. I usually have like a 4-egg omelet, but eating more than that would cause me to have to get up a lot earlier. Plus I work out in the mornings.

  3. I think I've found the problem. Accourding to the sidebar, your "Workout Tunes" playlist consists of 1 song that is only 4 minutes and 5 seconds long. If your workout only lasts for the length of that song it's probably not very effective.

  4. Joel, um, I think four eggs are plenty - yikes! And I agree with Tara, we need some more workout tunes!
