Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Weight Loss Diary

My theory for this year is small changes. So I'm starting off my new weight loss goals with some mini-goals. For the month of January I plan to completely cut out soda from my diet. I love soda but once I start drinking it I cannot stop. I NEED it. I love the way those fizzy bubbles make me feel, the caffeine racing through my veins. It's pure bliss. I will miss it but I will not miss the 150 calories in each can of Dr. Pepper and since I can never drink just one can I figure I'm cutting out at least 1,000 calories a week through just this one change.

In the way of fitness I plan to work out 20 minutes a day at least 3 days a week. I'm using a Jillian Michaels' dvd. It's really hard but only 20 minutes long. It's cross training and I love cross training. There is something great about working out so hard for 20 minutes that the thought of going down the stairs causes you to tear up.

Now before you get all concerned that I am going to deprive myself of wonderful things let me assure you that I am not. If I stick to my plan for the month of January I plan to reward myself with some new running shoes. I figure replacing my emotional eating with emotional shopping can't be a bad thing right?!?!?!?

Off to Sweat!
1/1/10 155lbs

PS. Don't forget to asnwer the poll to the right! Look for a new one each week.