Thursday, January 21, 2010


So I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast yesterday and any weigh-ins after I have consumed any food do not count.  I did however weigh myself later in the day anyway.  I got really excited because the arrow was just before the dot instead of just after it.  I said, "Girls Mommy lost two pounds and it's the afternoon so I may have lost more!"  I gleefully skipped away.  Then I got to thinking, hmm something about the scale looked different, so I stepped back on (stupid I know).  Unfortunately the "dot" was not the 150lb line I was used to looking at.  It was the 155 dot.  So sad.  Maybe I should get a digital scale.

Anyway, I weighed myself this morning and was down to 150 so that's a pound from last week:)  I have considered that it was a pound of brain which seems like a definite possibility.  Oh well, it's all about the numbers.

PS.  No news on the thyroid test yet


  1. You could always let the Wii weight you, although it would suck if it talked back to you with less then encouraging words.

  2. Haha, you're awesome. Don't let the evil Wii weigh you! It plays mind games and is cruel. And it's totally inaccurate. It thinks my "Wii Age" is like 70 something when everyone knows that I'm agile like a gazelle and swift like a panther.

    PS "wii weigh" sounds funny.
